Monday, July 21, 2008

CHUM, yum

Funny to think that my thesis work would be going this far. I have currently sold 50 copies of CHUM since graduation and am still drawing up new strips (I think the count is in the seventies now).
Ironically, since I work at a place very similar to that of the strip for forty or fifty hours a week, I doubt that I will be running out of material anytime soon, well, here's hoping...


Ryan said...

good to hear you're still pumping those out!
i totally got burned out on thesis work!

J.Shea said...

wow! 50 copies? that's awesome.

Anonymous said...

for a first-time self publishing venture, 50 copies is GREAT (you have no idea how impressive that is, as someone who's done this a lot over the years!) Keep at it!